Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Early Facebook Investor On Meeting Mark Zuckerberg

Early Facebook Investor On Meeting Mark Zuckerberg
Business Insider speaks with Roger McNamee, an early Facebook investor and author of the new book "Zucked." McNamee first met Mark Zuckerberg in 2006 and quickly became a mentor to the tech CEO. McNamee explains how Zuckerberg has changed since their first awkward meeting.

I wanna get to Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg because they're immensely powerful people. How did you meet Mark Zuckerberg? Roger: So 2006, I got an email from a guy named Chris Kelly. He was the Chief Privacy Officer at Facebook. He says, "My boss has a huge business issue, and he doesn't know how to solve it, and he needs to talk to somebody who's been around a long time but has no conflicts. Would you take a meeting?" Now, Facebook was 2 years old. Mark was 22. I was 50. And they had $9 million in sales the year before, and they got it basically from, you know, pizza ads. They didn't even have News Feed yet. They were still just college campuses and high school students. But it was already obvious that he'd broken the code on social. 

Thank you for watching

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